Based on the client’s need, we provide one of the following types of interpretation:
Simultaneous Interpreting:
The interpreter simultaneously orally translates (interprets) the speaker's words. For that, he or she needs a simultaneous interpreting station (soundproof booth, specialized sound equipment, receivers, and microphones). The interpreting session reaches the audience in real-time through headphones. This type of interpreting delivers the best quality results due to the immediacy and fluidity of the communication. We have mastered the art of managing the team of interpreters, servicing meeting of up to five languages.
Whispering Interpreting:
The interpreter stands behind the person or persons (maximum of 3 participants) who do not speak the working language and simultaneously orally translates (whispering) the speaker's message. He or she then interprets the client's responses back to the other participants. This is commonly used in short meetings, where one or two participants do not speak the common language used in the meeting.
Liaison Interpreting:
This type of interpreting is commonly used to overcome language barriers between two people in meetings of the public and private sector. The interpreter orally translates between two speakers in the two working languages without the need for equipment.
Remote Simultaneous Interpreting:
Our team of interpreters have mastered the art of Remote Simultaneous Interpreting (RSI). They are abreast with platforms such as ZOOM, KUDO, WEBEX, INTERPREFY, VOICEBOXER, and INTERACTIO. Time difference is not an issue. We shall deliver, always.